Building Management System | YMCA Edmonton

Success Stories

Partners since 2009

YMCA Edmonton approached Nordic with the challenge of updating aging infrastructure that frequently broke down. They were struggling with high energy and operational costs and limited capital budget for improvements. In addition, patrons regularly complained about the comfort of the building which resulted in closures and loss of business for the facility.


Client Issues:

  • Aging infrastructure with frequent breakdowns
  • Occupant comfort issues resulting in shut-downs
  • High energy and operational costs with limited capital budget for improvements



  • Comprehensive facility solution including building management  system (BMS)
  • Training for in-house staff maintenance team plus fully guaranteed maintenance on large-scale HVAC equipment
  • A complete building system working together that can be monitored remotely


Bottom Line:

  • Enhanced indoor environmental quality including improved comfort conditions, lighting levels and controlled humidity
  • Better allocation of in-house staff resources
  • Fully functional and integrated building at all times

Nordic developed a fully functional and integrated system for the YMCA that can be monitored remotely, ensuring better allocation of in-house staff resources. A building management system (BMS) and training for their in-house maintenance team was implemented, guaranteeing continued service on their large-scale HVAC equipment. Overall, indoor environmental quality was enhanced improving lighting, humidity levels and patron comfort.

My staff is very appreciative of the supportive approach we received from John and the entire team at Nordic. I confidently recommend Nordic Mechanical Services Ltd. and their professional staff and look forward to a long partnership between our two organizations.

Nick, President and CEO - Edmonton YMCA