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Giving back

From inception, Nordic has embraced the importance of supporting the local community and the individuals and organizations that form it’s foundation. We give our time, treasure, or talent to more than 70 not-for-profit organizations. It is incredibly amazing to see the change in people’s lives when they know someone actually cares.

The Nordic team realizes how blessed we are to be able to give back. We believe philanthropy of any kind is a vital part of forming a sense of community within the organization and beyond.  The difference we make every day in people’s lives by improving the quality and comfort of the environment within which they work allows us a lot more than we ever imagined possible.

Nordic is a proud supporter of numerous community arts and festivals, many places of worship, and countless charitable organizations that provide assistance and support to society’s less fortunate.

Celebrating 30 Years giving back to the Community at the Ronald McDonald House

Inclusion Alberta gratefully acknowledges your generous donation, which will make a significant impact in the lives of Albertans with developmental disabilities and their families. One such Albertan is Lynn Maltby and her son Adam. Adam was misdiagnosed for years and a lack of support in school left him profoundly lonely and marginalized. As Adam turned 18, Lynn was fearful for his future and uncertain as to where to get the supports Adam needed. “We were on the edge of a cliff looking into an abyss.” Once it was clear Adam had a developmental disability and Autism, Lynn hoped Adam would be eligible for supports from the government’s Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program, but he was rejected. That’s when she learned about Inclusion Alberta and reached out for help in a moment of desperation. With Inclusion Alberta’s guidance and support, the decision was reversed and Adam acquired supports. Adam now wanted to find employment and he and Lynn felt they could now manage on their own. Unfortunately, Adam ran into more difficulties and became despondent. In another moment of desperation, they sought help once again from Inclusion Alberta. Thanks to Inclusion Alberta and the Rotary Employment partnership, Adam secured a job where he is accepted, successful and valued. With newfound confidence and a sense of self, Adam felt ready to pursue a lifelong dream neither he nor Lynn ever thought possible. Adam applied to be included in NAIT’s very prestigious Culinary Arts program and was accepted. He now studies and learns with the support of Inclusion Alberta’s inclusive postsecondary initiative at NAIT. Lynn now speaks of the profound changes in Adam’s life, “He comes home happy every day. Finally, other people are seeing what Adam has to offer. They see beyond his disability”. Lives are forever changed with donations like yours. With your vital support, Inclusion Alberta is able to continue its most important mission – renewing hope for families across our province. Please join us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on the Maltbys, as well as others who benefit from your generosity. Signing up for our newsletter at is another great way to stay connected. Thank you again for your gift to Inclusion Alberta, and for sharing in our vision of an inclusive world that welcomes children and adults with developmental disabilities as valued community members. Sincerely and with many thanks, Inclusion Alberta

Barb Maclntyre, President - Inclusion Alberta